How Molly Ann Launched Her YouTube Channel and Grew with Confidence
CASE STUDY: Molly Ann Luna
After dabbling on and off with YouTube for 10 years, in August 2019, Molly Ann Luna decided it was time to focus on one specific niche and to use video to build a strong community. This is when she launched the Online Business Clinic.
Molly felt nudged to make this finite decision after having baby #2 and wanting to be present at home for all the precious milestones with her kids. She no longer wanted to be clocking 50-plus hours a week and realized YouTube could be the tool to unlock the ability for her to work less.
One of the things that was going on behind the scenes in her business as her story unfolded is that, even though for years she wasn’t using YouTube to its greatest advantage, she was still gaining high-ticket clients through emailing videos to her list. That’s when the power of video was really sparked for her, and she realized she should work on ranking in search where people from around the world could find her.
The biggest goal she has with her channel is to grow a tight-knit community of entrepreneurs who want to live debt-free and build an online business that can create flexibility and build true wealth.

However, even though she made this decision to get laser focused, she was struggling to get her channel off the ground. In the fall of 2020 she invested several thousand dollars into a YouTube course and hired an SEO expert to help her with her 2021 content plan. But, 9 months later, she still wasn’t seeing the results she hoped for when investing in the outside help.
That’s when Molly watched Gillian’s free YouTube workshop. She was immediately sold on Creator Fast Track when she heard Gillian share in the workshop that what could be holding her back is the belief that it has to take a lot of time for things to happen, rather than realizing she needed a strategy that works. That key piece lit a fire under Molly to take action one more time and see if she could get the results she desired.
“My first impression with Creator Fast Track was, wow! This is really organized. This is really wonderfully laid out. I really appreciated, and didn’t know this prior to enrolling in Creator Fast Track, that there are different strategies that you need to use to be able to grow your YouTube channel from 0-100 and then another strategy from 100-1000 and then another from 1,000 and beyond.”
After just 12 weeks and posting nine videos with Gillian’s method, Molly saw her (previously stagnant channel) grow by a staggering 25%. She’s now consistently seeing new people subscribe to her channel each and every time she posts a video. This helped Molly see that she’s producing better and better content with each episode.
“Of all the online courses I’ve taken, the thousands and thousands of dollars I’ve invested, I love Gillian’s teaching style, and her course has been the best and most organized and best experience I’ve had in all the online courses I’ve taken. I genuinely love Creator Fast Track.”